What's the plan?

Plan for Divorce: Your Next Chapter is a workbook designed to help formulate a plan.  You know the expression, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade?”  This workbook is designed to guide you through the squeezing!

the recipe

When you squeeze a lemon, you get the juice … and the Plan for Divorce workbook adds a few more ingredients.  Adult coloring pages, divorce humor (trust us: there is some laughter in store), a suggested breakup playlist, and a list of definitions help you balance the sweet and the tart.


Anyone facing a potential divorce or breakup: same-sex or opposite-sex, legally married or not


$25 / workbook
Inquire about discounts for bulk orders

How to order:

Click button above to purchase a downloadable workbook.  To ask about printed bulk orders, please click here.


Take control of the process

Protect your kids, your assets, your sanity

Make future plans

Your process:

Use the points from the workbook

Share the data you collect with your team

Shape your next chapter instead of just reacting to the other party’s demands

the result

NOW is the time to think about what you want.  Use this workbook to define what that is and outline steps to firm up your position. 

Don’t wait around for your soon-to-be ex to take charge.  You are 50% of the relationship and your needs are equally important.

kind words from our readers

This book means so much to me! I had been listening to and internalizing what my ex said to me. Thank you for the tools to stand up for myself.

Maritza C.

I really had no idea where to start. Thank you, Brooke, for breaking this all down into smaller pieces. It was the first time I felt hopeful.

Ben W.

Ready To get started?

Book a one-on-one session

If you are feeling anxiety getting started or have general questions about options during divorce, book a 30-minute or 60-minute session with our host, Brooke Benson.  She can make suggestions on how to find professionals in your area and build a “divorce team.”